Digital Media Specialist
How to use your content to improve the performance of your campaigns?
Digital Media Specialist
From the early days of social networks, content has positioned itself as a spearhead for brand image, communication and storytelling. The best introduction a brand could make between your friends' statuses and photos was through content that was engaging, shared, and worth stopping to scroll for a moment. Although this is clearly still the case today, the business model has changed somewhat and paid social has taken a more prominent place in the news feeds.
We took to thinking (wrongly) that paid social and content marketing were two separate and independent entities, when in reality we would benefit from working these two methods in parallel, and not not completely separate.
With a news feed very different from the one we know today, Facebook made its debut on the advertising scene by bringing a real breakthrough in the degree of precision offered by the demographic targeting tool. This naturally aroused a great deal of interest among advertisers and agencies alike.
Fastforward in early 2018: Facebook announces that the available advertising space will be reduced , in favor of the publications of your contacts as well as the pages with which you interact the most. The goal is to leave more room for quality content, which arouses interest and commitment.
The competition for these few available spaces will therefore be more pronounced, and not only at the auction level, but also at the level of the quality of the ad and the targeting, which will sometimes have to be more precise in order to maximize the return on investment. (KING).
Technically, one of the best “benefits” of a solid paid social content strategy is the marketer's ability to capture traffic insights and convert them into highly qualified audiences for future campaigns. Subject to having a pixel installed on the websites in question, it will be possible to create personalized audiences in the Facebook platform in order to target visitors from the last 30, 60, 90 days (or more), and to reconstitute more large audiences with similar attributes to those visitors. The same goes for those who have engaged with your videos, events, or even your Instagram account.
In the Audiences pane of your business manager, after choosing your page, click on Create audience , then Custom audience . All possibilities are open to you from there.
A prospecting campaign pushing engaging content will be a real springboard for future retargeting campaigns, but also for lookalike campaigns that will allow you to target people with the same demographic attributes as the people engaged with your content.
Regardless of the type of products or services offered, a good content strategy makes it possible to engage in discussion with target customers and provide them with useful content that responds to their main questions and needs. This is paramount for any business with a longer sales process. The real estate industry is a good example. In addition to engaging discussion, the quality content that will be produced and deployed on your site will also have a positive impact on your search engine rankings .
If your ambition is to reach your audience over the long term and maintain an active community (in the field of ready-to-wear or new technologies), it will be essential for you to create retention, to establish a fidelity and affect (at best) with your audience. The brand storytelling conveyed by your content will be the key to the long-term relationship with your potential customers.
In summary: content allows you to better position yourself, better target your prospects in your advertising strategy, and then create retention after you have reached them.
And the circle is complete!
Want to go further? Our content marketing and digital media specialists are at your service.