1 min.
Ctrl+A: Content marketing isn't advertising? [S01 E02]
1L’art de la gestion de projet2Un projet à succès commence par une bonne gouvernance3Cascade, agilité, demandes de changement?

Ctrl+A: Content marketing isn't advertising? [S01 E02]

Content Opinions Adviso Podcast

What is Content Marketing? Learn it in this 2nd episode!


InstagramTV, YouTube, Netflix, Facebook Live, online video is definitely gaining momentum in people's media consumption habits. In a world where becoming an influencer is a job in itself and where some YouTubers are becoming more popular than movie stars, this change in trend represents a golden opportunity for advertisers who are trying by all possible means to reach the right people at the right time. moment. New business model, new consumption, new ideals, we are undeniably witnessing a shift from traditional television to digital video.  

You guessed it, this episode will be about content marketing!

Our special guest is Catherine Gratton-Gagné, content marketing strategist with six years of experience in the field. This expert will lead us to better understand the role of content marketing for advertisers on the web.  

Good listening!

All our episodes are now available on 

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