Solid team DNA
A culture based on strong values that are embodied by the company and, above all, by the people that are part of it.
Remember that time not so long ago when companies fought to attract new talent using ping-pong tables, beer fridges stocked every Thursday and legendary parties? Adviso remembers.
But although the recent upheavals in our professional lives have led us to recognize how these kinds of advantages lent a “fun” side to business culture, they have also let us see that they weren’t what defined it.
To be completely frank, seeing such material advantages disappear practically overnight last year made us fearful of losing part of our identity. But in the end, the situation allowed us to realize that material things aren’t all that important, and that there’s a deeper link that binds us, that brings us together at the office and on our screens, and even in our living rooms.
That link is Adviso’s great company culture, which persists despite the current distancing—a culture based on strong values that are embodied by the company and, above all, by the people that are part of it. It’s what allows us to stay close to one another despite working remotely, to keep it real no matter what the situation, in addition to facilitating our decision making.
Solid foundations for long-term building
It should be said that our values have always been more than just a bunch of posters put up on walls to be cute. A few years ago, we even went so far as to re-evaluate together (yes, I mean everyone, the whole company!) whether those values were still as central as they once were.
The result? Nothing had changed so much as they had evolved! The exercise allowed us to get back in touch with our values, allowing us to understand them better so we can bring them to life in our philosophy and actions.
And what are these values? Transparency, boldness, team spirit, expertise and fun. We all share these five qualities. They unite us as people and allow us to develop and blossom professionally. They are the solid foundations upon which we build long-lasting relationships.
The value of team spirit acts as a catalyst for the others, allowing them to be expressed and deployed through the benevolent relationships we foster at Adviso. The quality and health of these relationships are also built through humane management anchored in strong bonds of trust, which only grow over time.
As with our employees, it’s really important to us that we build relationships with our clients that go beyond just business. Adviso likes to position itself as a partner, even as an extension of our clients’ teams. By undertaking client relationships that are deeper, rooted in openness, warmth and empathy, we’ll succeed in understanding their needs and everyday challenges with greater insight, which enables us to advise our clients better.
Our embodied values and shared culture, anchored in solid foundations, allow us to develop and cultivate healthy, long-term relationships with our clients, but also with every member of our team, enabling it to grow and evolve within our organization over many years.
A decision-making compass
These values serve as a kind of collective compass, orienting our decision making and guiding our:
- recruiting of employees, who will then in turn naturally promote the same values;
- daily management initiatives;
- quarterly and annual evaluations of employees, to guarantee alignment at all times between company and employee values;
- client selection, which has allowed us over time to collaborate with clients who share our values, enabling us to develop more positive, long-lasting relationships.
Our DNA really shows
Living our values creates harmony between our internal and external approaches. Basically, since Adviso employees are recruited in large part for their support of our values, which are strengthened during the course of their career with us, we are completely confident that they will manifest in our relationships with our clients and partners.
It’s for this reason that we feel very comfortable (and even proud!) when presenting all of our people at Adviso, even from the very moment of their arrival. That might seem easy to say, but at Adviso everyone interacts with clients. Even though this could be risky from an employer’s point of view, it promotes learning as well as the building of lasting and humane relationships with our clients, and also develops trust amongst our employees (something I’m living proof of!). It’s a highly stimulating approach, since it allows everyone to evolve while being at the centre of the action! #winwin
Beyond the values that unite our team, what I’ve always found moving and attractive about Adviso (I know, I’m preaching to the choir here!) is that humanity is actually what lies at the heart of the company’s choices and concerns. We provide the most favourable conditions to our employees so they can flourish, and we never hesitate to put them in the spotlight. In short, we consider them to be a truly differentiating element.
Finally, with the swift evolution currently taking place in the working world, our priority will be to personalize the employee and client experience while remaining anchored in Adviso’s unique values and culture. This is how we plan to continue our growth over the coming years.