2 min.
Iraq, Tibet and Activism 2.0
1L’art de la gestion de projet2Un projet à succès commence par une bonne gouvernance3Cascade, agilité, demandes de changement?

Iraq, Tibet and Activism 2.0

Business Strategy

We sadly commemorated the 5th anniversary of the illegal US invasion of Iraq. According to the Nobel Prize in economics Joseph Stiglitz,  more than 1000 billion dollars have been swallowed up  in this bottomless pit which could have partially overcome the endemic poverty which is rampant in Africa. Unfortunately, when there is no oil, there is no interest. This commemoration also reminds me that  blogs were popularized at that time  by dissident soldiers, Iraqis, humanitarians and independent journalists who wanted to give a real face to this war.


Blogging to defeat propaganda

Remember that it was at this time that the journalist embedded in the armed forces appeared proudly reporting "what was really happening" on board a bomber which was at the same time dropping bombs on small Iraqi villages. This had the effect of truncating and sanitizing a message that reported the situation from only one side of the battle line; that of the Goods, of course. The media thus made themselves the best propaganda agents of the American army. War bloggers therefore wanted to counterbalance this pro-war omnipresence by reporting the human atrocities that war imposes on the two groups of belligerents. This ideological guerrilla warfare has made neophytes aware of the real reasons for this war as well as its consequences.  

It should therefore not be forgotten that the blogging strategies that we offer our clients remain fundamentally a channel of authentic expression, free from all malicious constraints. I won't make friends by challenging the relevance of pay per posting which turns the blogger into a corporate sponsored content writer. When poorly conveyed and communicated, this method distorts the very essence of blogging and can infect the blogosphere with dishonest comments. On the other hand, if the latter indicates that it is sponsored by a company, it will be up to the reader to filter the relevance of the subject.    



Tibet and Facebook

I don't know if chance is right, but the recent discovery by the mass media through the upcoming Olympics to be held in China that Tibet is a Chinese province oppressed by its government (irony) and that this last tries by all means to censor the troubles that are happening there , gives me the impression of a deja vu. We can add that the Canadian, European and American governments denounce that we use sport as a lever of protest. 

However, I have seen some great initiatives from friends on Facebook distributing links and photos in abundance, creating events to announce all the upcoming demonstrations against Chinese oppression. We may want to hate Facebook, but it remains for me a perfect tool for distributing all types of content, planning and local grouping.      

I can conclude by strongly believing that Activism 2.0 helps individuals make a difference with little means and will, I hope, overturn the hegemonic power of world powers for the benefit of the peoples they enslave.