3 min.
How and why to add Facebook insights to your website
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How and why to add Facebook insights to your website

Social Media

Did you know that Facebook offers a tool to analyze the viral properties of your website on Facebook? Indeed, Facebook allows you to install the same statistics tool on websites as on pages:  Facebook Insights .


  • The number of impressions of your web pages on Facebook
  • The number of times visitors like the article out of total visitors
  • The number of impressions of your articles on Facebook following shares The number of organic shares of the article on Facebook (without going through the Facebook "share" button)
  • Demographics of users who have shared your articles
  • Facebook Comments usage statistics (number of comments / impressions)

Media-type sites, sites with a lot of daily content, and blogs will have the greatest benefit from using this tool to analyze the social media reactions of their content over time. Data from Facebook Insights compiled with data from Google Analytics will allow for  even more comprehensive insights into the most popular content on Facebook . Read our article “  Measuring Social Media with Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools  ” to learn more.


  • The days of the week with the most shares and clicks
  • The demographics of users who share your content
  • The number of impressions generated by shares
  • The most commented articles
  • The number of times your articles are shared organically (without the use of Facebook plugins)
  • Average impressions for each share
  • etc…

In order to make your analysis even more precise , Facebook makes it possible to obtain data on the most popular URLs (in terms of likes and clicks) of your site. These statistics are only presented in "last 24h" or "last hour" format and it is not possible to export them, unfortunately.  

Here are sample charts featured in Facebook Insights:

Figure 1: Number of impressions and clicks of your content

Figure 2: Number of Facebook shares of your content

Figure 3: Demographics of users who share

Figure 4: CTR of Facebook shares

With all of this data, you'll be able to make even more informed decisions about optimizing content writing for Facebook.

To install it, go to the following address: https://www.facebook.com/insights/ , click on the "Insights for your website" button and copy the code displayed on the screen into the source code of your site. 

So. If you have any questions about using the tool or how to analyze the statistics, feel free to  ask your questions in comments . Take note that the tool is sometimes slow to start, no need to panic if you do not see any numbers appear!