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Use official share buttons to increase conversion on your website
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Use official share buttons to increase conversion on your website

Social Media Business Strategy

Installing share buttons is often the first task to improve the social aspect of a website and encourage users to share your articles on social media. Sometimes this step is neglected or considered unimportant. Still, there can be a lot of benefits to using them.


If you really want to complete this step in an optimal way, do not install widgets that do not use the official buttons, even if these are beautiful or compact. Use the official share buttons! 


Sometimes these require more integration than just a simple plugin to install, but the benefits are significant in the long run. 

Official buttons have the following advantages:

  • They are accepted by the majority of browsers without any problem
  • They are updated automatically by the networks
  • There is no friction when sharing
  • They offer more functions when sharing
  • Users are used to seeing them

Now, to help you in your search, here are the links to the official buttons and the main features of the buttons offered.


Click on the logo to arrive at the right address

  • Button to like a web page
  • Button to follow a profile
  • Comments area
  • Button to like a Facebook page

  • Share button
  • Button to follow a profile
  • Button to mention a profile
  • Button to tweet a hashtag

  • Button to pin a photo on your website
  • Button to follow an account
  • Widget to display a profile
  • Widget to display a table

  • Share button on LinkedIn
  • Button to follow a page
  • Button to recommend
  • Button to display a profile

  • +1 button
  • Profile Badge
  • Share button

If you use a platform for blogging, for example WordPress, just go for a walk in the plugins to try to find plugins that can display the official buttons. Otherwise, there are often installation guides provided by the networks.



This is a question we often ask ourselves: how can I place share buttons in a newsletter? Official share buttons are scripts and, unlike what can be done on a normal web page, it is not possible to invoke scripts in a newsletter. So you have to bypass the system! 

There is another way to share on social networks. You should know that this method is rarely optimal, except in cases where it is not possible to use the official buttons. This method is obsolete and is no longer supported by most networks. However, as it can be useful for newsletters, here it is.

There is a URL for each of the networks that allows sharing directly to a user's profile. Here is the list :

Facebook :

<a href=”http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://YourURL.com&t=Your%20message%20here. »>Share on Facebook</a>


<a href=”http://twitter.com/home?status=Your%20Tweet%20here:%20http://YourURL.com”>Share on twitter</a>


<a href=http://www.linkedin.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.URL.com&t=Your%20text%20here>Share on LinkedIn</a>

This option is not available on other networks. It is always recommended to resort to this method only when it is not possible to use the official buttons.

Go and share in peace!