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Trends 2007: Traditional Media Conquering Online Video
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Trends 2007: Traditional Media Conquering Online Video

Social Media

In 2006, many companies looked at YouTube and were impressed by its ability to attract a growing number of Internet users day after day.


A number of these companies have therefore spent the year trying to understand and develop models to attract Internet users to the online video social network, which still has nearly 50% of the market share.

Companies from traditional media, such as television broadcasters, are certainly at the forefront. The latter are indeed at a stage where they see their clientele dwindling month after month and want their share of the online advertising market pie.

The fact remains that all television broadcasters, cable distributors and other video providers via traditional media will probably not have the winning recipe for entering this world where control is more than ever left to Internet users. It is therefore to be expected to see several copies of YouTube which will never reach profitability and which will quickly close. Indeed, operating a site like YouTube is not free… just think of the thousands of gigabytes of daily bandwidth required to display videos.

Let's not be too pessimistic… there won't be only flops! There are indeed many possibilities. The companies that are likely to be successful will be those that assess how creating a YouTube-like site meets their business goals. These companies will also need to be aware of the assets they will need to put into it to deliver real internet users.

Personally, I can't wait to see the Venice Project from the creators of Skype as well as the use of the BitTorrent network to deliver super high quality content using less bandwidth.