2 min.
Performance of party Twitter accounts in the 2012 Quebec elections
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Performance of party Twitter accounts in the 2012 Quebec elections

Social Media

As last week I was writing a  Social Media 101 Guide for Candidates in the 2012 Quebec Elections , I thought a little analysis of all the candidates and all the parties might be of interest to you. Dated August 5, 2012 .


Parties analysed  : Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ), Parti Québécois (PQ), Option Nationale (ON), Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), Québec Solidaire (QS) and Green Party (PV). Tool used : Radian6.  

We'll start by comparing the parties, then move on to the candidates with another blog post tomorrow.


If we look at the Twitter accounts of the parties running in the 2012 Quebec elections, the one with the most subscribers is Quebec Solidaire with 14,830 subscribers . 

If we look at the level of attention given to the various parties , in the form of the number of mentions of the Twitter account, we see that Québec Solidaire is still first with more than 3,888 mentions of its Twitter account in the last 7 days. , dated August 5. Here is the number of mentions of each party's Twitter accounts  :

If we push the analysis a little further and look at the number of followers of the mentions of the parties (excluding @replys), we then obtain the number of impressions of the Twitter accounts of the parties , therefore their importance in the twittosphere . 

We note that the Parti Québécois is the Twitter account with the most impressions possible, i.e. 2,274,200.

Then,  if we analyze the number of party retweets , we can see that Québec Solidaire is the party with the most retweets, 1333 over the last 7 days.

Finally, if we calculate the number of tweets from each party, we can come up with an average number of retweets per tweet. In addition, we can obtain the Twitter reach of each account. Twitter outreach is the number of possible impressions generated by each retweet of party tweets. This helps to see which party generates the most conversations with their tweets. An impression includes the number of followers of a Twitter account that retweet a party account.

This therefore allows us to conclude that Québec Solidaire is not only the account with the most retweets, but also the one that generates the most impressions with the retweets of its tweets . We note that Coalition Avenir Québec generates few retweets, but generates some through influential accounts.

Here are some conclusions we can draw from the analysis:

  • The Québec Solidaire account is the one that interacts the most with other users and that generates the most retweets. It is also the Twitter account that generates the most enthusiasm with its tweets.
  • The Liberal Party account is a Twitter account with lots of mentions, but few retweets. We can deduce that people ask more questions (@replys) to the account than people who take up the message (retweets).
  • The Parti Québécois account is a popular account, but is less retweeted by influential users.
  • The Twitter reach of the Coalition Avenir Québec account is high, but we can see that the most influential retweets come from party members.
