Destination Québec cité

Top 3
Quebec City was one of the top 3 Canadian cities with the highest occupancy rate following the appearance of an 8-week campaign
Over 200,000
Clicks on partner links with a conversion rate of 30%
10.1 million
People reached, with an average frequency of 9.8


Our objective was to validate our marketing relaunch activities in the summer of 2021 and our intention to try a new approach. Adviso proactively suggested a causal impact study of our media placements for which we needed to answer a few questions and that enabled us to optimize our upcoming activities! By combining our expertise and data, we accelerated our efficiency management and will be going with a full data strategy from Adviso for our next implementation!
Philippe Caron
Acting Director, Intelligence and Digital Marketing Unit


Destination Québec cité (DQC) selected Adviso for the planning, management and optimization of a major campaign. Tourism in the Quebec City region, as well as around the world, was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Major tourism centres therefore turned towards local tourism to sustain themselves financially. Given Canada’s vast terrain, local tourists were faced with an embarrassment of riches when it came to vacation destinations.

Adviso developed and orchestrated a 360 media strategy with the goal of reaching a maximum number of Quebec and Ontario residents, during a time when receptivity towards travelling within Canada was at its height, based around inciting a desire to travel to the Quebec City region. The idea was for the region to come to mind spontaneously as a destination when it came time to book hotel and restaurant reservations.

The strategy involved exposing the largest number of people possible to the campaign through a variety of different video formats broadcast on TV, connected TV, social media and local media sites for the general public, such as Radio-Canada and sites owned by Québecor and Bell Media, as well as those belonging to Postmedia and Torstar. The people targeted by the video campaign were then exposed to long-form content highlighting the various tourist attractions in the Quebec City region, organized by theme such as restaurant venues on Tastet, family activities on Urbania and Noovo Moi and more niche activities on Narcity and Urbania.

On social networks, engaged users were then retargeted with messages encouraging them to book their stay and offering a discount or special offer.

All digital key performance indicators were surpassed several weeks before the end of the campaign (reach, video views, visits to the website and outbound links to DQC partners). But to answer the deeper question asked  by all marketers, “Is media really responsible for the success of a campaign?” we decided to push our analysis even further and measure the actual effect of the campaign on business results in the region.

The research and development team at Adviso and DQC worked together on a causal study methodology that aimed to cross-reference several data sources (media clicks, impressions, outbound links, hotel occupancy in the area) to verify whether media was truly responsible for the high hotel occupancy rates in the region. This study had quite positive results. All signs pointed to media’s major impact on occupancy at local hotels.



Heavy competition in local tourism
Heavy scheduling going on as part of COVID-19 (for ex., openings/closings of provinces and borders, relaxation/tightening of health measures)
IOS 14.5 update which caused us to rethink our media approach: less focused on audience migration through pixels and more focused on the relevance of environments
First execution of a causal study to measure media performance


360 media planning integrated during the wait of several months and launched only when all COVID-19 indicators got the green light first in Quebec, then in Ontario
Balance between tactics of Discovery (TV, short videos, social media, local media) and Consideration (contextual targeting: long articles in recognized publications) and Purchase and Exploration tactics in the region (targeting of interested audiences/retargeting, SEM). Precise and continuous optimization of the four stages in parallel to maximize the potential pool at the top and middle of the funnel to then generate a maximum of prospects.
Tactics and creative adapted to consulted content rather than indicators gathered through pixels (greater importance for contextual targeting as opposed to third-party audience targeting)