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7 creative ways to use Pinterest
1L’art de la gestion de projet2Un projet à succès commence par une bonne gouvernance3Cascade, agilité, demandes de changement?

7 creative ways to use Pinterest

Social Media

Pinterest has been on the rise for some time now. You may have joined this network before, but don't know how to be truly original on this one… Here are some creative ways to use Pinterest!



Show your company logo  : To do so, just go to this website: http://vitamincr.com/pinterest/creative-boards/your-own-prettified-pinterest-board-in-30s-with -this-hacksplice-tool/ and use a square image for a nice finish. You can also show your products to anyone who lands on your Pinterest page from another web presence.  

Display social presences  : In order to give a little more visibility to your social presences, why not add a  board  for the visitors of your page and allow them to follow you elsewhere. Make sure you have similar icons for a uniform display.

Integrate bloggers into your strategy  : Ask bloggers to add their discovery to your board , this allows you to offer visibility to them and, them, to provide you with interesting content! It is not possible to open a board to everyone, but you can however add one of the contributors to a board .    

Coupon pinboard  : Why not put your coupons on a  board  reserved for them? Then encourage users to share with their friends to (try to) make your coupon go viral.

Make contests  : Since the site does not yet have a contest policy, it is possible for you to make the number of contests you want to follow. It should be noted that a contest over $100 will still have to be registered with the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux.

Show job opportunities  : Prove your agency's creativity with a job offer that is out of the ordinary! Otherwise, you can go there in a more classic way this way:  http://pinterest.com/adviso/emplois-availables/

Tell a story  : Use different pins on the same  board  to tell a story visually! As you can see from the example below, the long text format is less appropriate for Pinterest. On the other hand, a Web comic would benefit from being present on this network!
