To watch in 2010: Foursquare – the first location-based social network
Foursquare is the buzz of the moment. As mentioned on their site, Foursquare is 50% friend-making, 30% social guide, and 20% nightlife -based game . In fact, this first location-based social network is similar in functionality to Twitter , Yelp , Praized , Facebook and is primarily dedicated to mobile. It is therefore used to combine the useful with the pleasant.
Let's start with the useful aspect , the site allows us to list the places we frequent, comment on them, add labels (tags), nothing too complicated. You can also locate them on a map.
Let's continue with the pleasant aspect, when you go to a place and using a mobile application as well as the GPS sound mobile, you can indicate that you are there (check-in). So, each time you go there, the number of check-ins increases, and when you exceed the number of check-ins of all, you become mayor of the place! But beware, this title is not granted ad vitam aeternam . We can delight you with the place as soon as we have more check-ins than you! We can also accumulate needs that will be used for something later! You can also make friends, basic rule of social networks!
Because, just like Twitter, we can get status updates from our friends. Because it's super simple. Because we can synchronize it with Twitter and Facebook. Because we encourage people to visit their favorite places frequently, it is therefore a good engine for local development. Because it is already beginning to have some models based on Foursquare: some restaurants give discounts to their mayor , Pepsi pays a contribution to an organization for each point accumulated by the member. Because there is a service for businesses that may become a paid service in the coming months. Because Pete Cashmore said so !