1 min.
Google Analytics Premium: tailor-made for large companies
1L’art de la gestion de projet2Un projet à succès commence par une bonne gouvernance3Cascade, agilité, demandes de changement?

Google Analytics Premium: tailor-made for large companies

Analytics & Tracking

Great news at Google, where a new paid and improved version of Google Analytics is offered to major advertisers starting today.


Be careful, the price is not for small wallets, however Google Analytics Premium includes a lot of services and customization when you do business with a partner like Adviso. Don't worry, the standard version will still be available and just as excellent; I also learned at the Google Analytics Partner Summit 2011 that today more than 50% of the Web is now measured by Google Analytics, we do not back down on such success!

What added value will Google Analytics Premium bring?

Almost more sampled data than real data

  • No data sampling during a report download (over a million rows per download).
  • Processing over 1 billion "hits" per month.

Faster servers

  • Data is added to the account in less than 4 hours.
  • All reports will load much faster (even those with multiple filters over a long period of time).

New Features

  • 50 customizable variables available.
  • Attribution models for multi-channels.
  • Other features that we cannot disclose at this time.

Dedicated support

  • Dedicated account manager.
  • Telephone and email support 10 hours a day, 5 days a week.
  • Consultation on the implementation and quality assurance of Google Analytics.
  • Training and webinars available.
  • 24/7 technical support available.

A new service contract

Data collection is 99.9% of the time available.
Availability of reports 99% of the time.
Data recency (within 4 hours) 98% of the time.

As a Google Analytics Certified Partner, you can contact us if you are interested in Google Analytics Premium.