Bounce rate influences revenue
I went to test the new features of Google Analytics as soon as they went online last week and they allowed me to make a first discovery. Bounce rate , at some level, has a significant influence on revenue. Indeed, I took two sites among our e-commerce clients and compared these two metrics between September and December.
Let's take the example of site A,
Here is the example of site B,
The orange lines represent the revenue and the blue lines, the bounce rate. We notice that it has an opposite relationship between its two metrics and the variation is conditioned by the bounce rate. Therefore, when the latter increases, the income decreases. Additionally, I found that for each site, when the bounce rate hits a certain level, the revenue fluctuates drastically either up or down.
It remains that this estimate is not based on any scientific literature, but we can see a relatively concrete trend with these two examples. That said, the bounce rate is a metric that should not be overlooked , especially when talking about e-commerce sites and today's exercise, although brief, proves it.