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Posting on Facebook to get likes or for branding?

Written by Thoma Daneau | May 7, 2012 8:57:00 AM

“Hey! I got 40  likes  on the photo I posted yesterday! Alright, that's all well and good, but does this photo follow the editorial line of the company? "Don't you understand, I got 40  likes  and 50 shares! ". Here is an article that will prove to you that the number of likes , comments or shares on a photo is not always a good performance indicator for your page  . Read on for anyone who thinks I'm crazy.



like on a page photo is good. It helps with the famous edgerank which determines the content that will be seen by the user in his news feed. This metric varies based on Facebook member engagement (the more people click "Like", for example, the more the post will appear in news feeds. It helps to build a community, people who will be engaged and who will want to interact with your page. Plus, the more impressive Facebook Stats posts not to mention it slides right into a conversation. The real question you should be asking yourself is much more, "Is this post good for my brand image  ?     

This is especially tempting when your page is focused on promoting your website. People are less interested in clicking links to your website than links to funny pictures. Instead, ask yourself what will make the most money for your business at the end of the day. Remember that a Facebook user doesn't have to be a fan of your page to share or like a photo. When an image goes "viral", it doesn't necessarily translate to an increase in fans.  

It's easy to get likes on Facebook: just post a cat photo. Everyone loves cats, it's a proven fact. Now, does your brand have anything to do with cats? Does your brand have a link with the unusual, but oh so funny, fact that you are going to publish?   

I take this opportunity to introduce you to our new social media expert.

The temptation is strong, it is understandable. A piece of advice I give you is: Keep in mind the communication axis of your page and adapt your publications to it . 

Want to post a cat photo? Here are ways:

  • Juice maker: Photo of cat with orange "Even cats like orange juice!" »
  • Optometrist: Photo of cat with glasses “Here is a happy client”
  • Pharmacy: Photo of a coughing cat “Here is one who needs to consult one of our expert pharmacists in branch”
  • Bookstore: Photo of a cat reading “Everyone likes to read! »


Pay attention! It is rarely advisable to post unusual or cute photos repeatedly, even if these are adapted to your page.  

Again, abusing this ploy will hurt your brand in the long run. Likes are all well and good , but a presence on Facebook is anything but a race for statistics. It should always be remembered that a Facebook page can be as important a communication channel as television, and should always convey the brand image. 
