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The AppStore, trendy, but often overrated!

Written by Laurent Jacobs | Jul 4, 2011 2:10:00 PM

Before, it was easy. With a presence of more than 80%, not counting the iPod Touch, the iPhone was THE mobile platform for which it was necessary to develop.


However, since the beginning of the year (2011), the iOS has lost its feathers in the war of mobile platforms… and in recent months, especially since March, it's been a downfall!

The evolution of mobile browsers in Canada from June 2010 to 2011

We then say to ourselves that it is Google with its Android that is taking market share, but, surprisingly, it is not as present in Canada as we might have thought (unlike in the United States where it has become the number 1 player passing in front of BlackBerry in January).

The evolution of mobile browsers in the United States from June 2010 to 2011

It's a “new”, but I should rather say old, resurfacing player: Nokia. I then asked myself the question: what did Nokia do to take over the market? Like Blackberry which is increasingly losing support from the developer community , Nokia does not have a developer community like iOS and Android. It also does not have a large amount of native application for its system. 

To find out more, I finally decided to go to a cell phone seller to ask him the question. He replied: “  Nokia, which bought NavTeq in 2007, offers offline GPS navigation software free of charge  ”. Thus, it is neither the applications nor the trendy design, but the primary need to be able to be guided (without paying data charges and buying only one device) that brings Nokia back into the race!

In addition, as if to sign the death warrant of the iPhone, the seller admitted to me that he would receive more commissions if he sold a smartphone other than those of Apple, because the cell companies are fed up with despotism Apple, which prohibits them from advertising other than their own and from discounts or price competition on the iPhone.

So consider validating your mobile traffic sources with Google Analytics and researching your users' needs before developing a new application for a little-used mobile platform!